Link website to Windows Store app

If your website has an associated Windows Store app you can link to it so that users can easily browse to the app in Internet Explorer 10.

The following meta tags are available:

Name Content Required
msApplication-ID The app ID from the application manifest Yes
msApplication-PackageFamilyName Package family name of the app Yes
msApplication-Arguments Argument string passed to your app, defaults to the webpage URL No
msApplication-MinVersion Forces the user to upgrade to the version specified (if they already have the app installed and it is an older version) No
msApplication-OptOut One of:
  • install – do not prompt the user to install the app
  • switch – prevents switching to an already installed app
  • both – both of the above


Add the following HTML to the head section of your page:

<meta name="msApplication-ID"content=""/>
<meta name="msApplication-PackageFamilyName"content="microsoft.build_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>

You can add any of the optional meta tags as required.


To add these items to a WordPress site, add the HTML to the header.php theme file.

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